Desigin thinking workshop with expert designers to find and build new ideas

  • « ideas shaker » format : dynamic workshop with various stakeholder (patients, entrepreneurs, health professionals, employees, …) to let create abundance of ideas and select the best ones
  • « design maker » format : workshop to formalize ideas with story telling and multidisciplinary teams


Mentoring with best mentors in health and digital with inspiring talks

  • Inspire employees and let ideas appear
  • Boost entrepreneurship
  • Motivate employees and stir up involvement in innovative projects


HEALTH > DIGITAL (for managers, employees, health professionals, patients)

  • Learning expeditions in the middle of startups in health and digital
  • Find out digital technologies and new health challenges with workshops
  • In France, Canada, US, Israel, Japan

DIGITAL > HEALTH (for developers, designers, entrepreneurs, ...)

  • on the field observations
  • Cultural integration on the field of health
  • Follow up teams to meet users (patients, ageing people, health professionals, ...) on the field (health establishment, patient’s home, ...)


Organize and realize experimentation sessions

  • Define goals
  • Manage adherence of teams to experimentation expected outcomes
  • Feasibility verification and validation
  • Metrics organization to measure reliability and increase the value of experimentation
  • Verification and validation of feasibility
  • Mise en place des métriques pour mesurer la fiabilité et valoriser l’expérimentation


Innovation challenge marathon to develop functional prototype in a short time with multidisciplinary teams

  • Organization and preparation of the hackathon
  • Hiring attendees internally and externally
  • Integration of strategic partners to provide services, datasets, API and technologies


Follow up of an internal or external project

  • Providing resources (experts, network, experimentation)
  • in-situ : team project inside the company to optimize time consuming of employees
  • ex-situ : team project and employees outside the company to be out of internal processes on-the-field : team project and employees on the field to test prototype and validate hypothesis Step by step employees implication according to the project ROI in-situ -> ex-situ -> on-the field pitchs to promote project internally, validate employees time consumption and business model expected Focus maintained on product / market fit


Follow up of company's digital transformation throw innovative projects

  • Scalability validation of the new business model in the company
  • Adopting new processes and improving the existing ones
  • Follow up and training of employees


Innovative health startups observation and follow up in digital health and biotech

  • Identification and classification of health startups
  • Follow up startup evolution and access to the market
  • Monitoring of developments and opening to the market
  • Partnership and acquisition management